Dis will take mew to a beautifur
site, dat includes Native American Links, among many ofurs mew will enjoy.
Mew won't want to miss learning
about dis little fun luffing rascal, why , him is even running fur purrsedent. I fur one will vote fur him.
I is most honored to have received
dis award. It is furry special indeed. Mew will like where dis link takes mew. Purlease go see fur mewer own self. Some furry
fine kitties mew will agree. (Since this award was received, the Beloved Mac McTavish has passed to the Rainbow Bridge, making
this award even more dear and special to me.) I luffed mew den and I luff mew now and forever, mine dear friend Mac.
Mac's brofur Dragon, who was mine furry furst
fureind on da web, has also crossed da bridge. Mine heart is broken. I'll see mew both again someday, mine buds.
I received dis "Every Cat Counts"
award from Sabrina and Calvins Meowy World. It is furry special, as are all kitties, dat is why every cat counts, dey is all
precious. Fank mew fur dis award, Calvin and Sabrina, I luff it.
Little foot, is a beautifur kitty
dat adores beauty and charm, let her charm her way into mewer heart.
I am so furry happy to receive
dis award from " Little Angel Heaven". As I luff angels so furry much. Purlease click on dis award to bisit dere site.
It is a beautifurr site, full of Angel cards, inspirational verses, Angelic midis, Angel graphics and more. Mew will habe
a happy heart for habing bisited dem. Fank mew "Little Angel Heaven" fur dis purrecious award.
I am furry proud indeed to get
dis award from Calvin. Mew should bisit Calvin's Clubhouse at "Calvin and Sabrina's Meowy world. Just click on da award to
bisit dem. Mew will habe a good time dere. Fank mew for dis award Calvin.
I want to fank Micah, Myah and
Mallie fur their butifur award. I am honored indeed to receive it. Dey has such a luffly site dat tells how dey camed to be
at dere forever home. Micah had a good doggie buddy Kandi dat is now at rainbow bridge. Myah is the "wild child" and Mallie
is the "love bug". Dis site also has beautifur kitty graphic gifts fur visitors, you will be glad mew visited dere site. Dey
is sweet and butifur kitties.
Dis award is also from the "Meditative
Cat" site. I was furry suprised to receive two. Dis site also haz, Harmony and Pouncival, dey is kitties dat habe
been adopted, and belong to dis site. Da site also offers, jewlery for cat people, and many more fings, including meowmies
favorite, a tribute to "The Beatles".
My furriend Mysty sent me dis
award and i is furry honored to habe it. Mysty and her sister Storme have a wonderfurr site, dat is a joy to bisit. Mysty
has many places to see, such as her garden, den, writing room, porch and others including her yard dat is about animal welfare.
Im sure mew will enjoy a bisit dere by clicking on da award above.
Meowie, I just received dis butifur
award from da Kadiddies. I is so furry honored an happy to get dis fine award. Mew must visit dere luffly site, and meet all
da Kididdie kitties, you will be glad mew did. Dey has a new kitty named Mikki dat is 9 years old and was in need of a home.
Just click on the award above.