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"Dreaming of some Mousies of my Own"

Mousies squeak, are mew listening?
on the hunt, eyes a glistening
theyd taste mighty fine, Id even share mine
wiff my sisfurs if I caught me two or three.
In the attic they will scamper
and I 'd be a happy camper
 just to get me a bite, would be a delight
dreaming of some mousies of my own
Maybe Santa carries dem on his back
I've been good, Ill take them in a six pack.
Hed say will you share and I'd say yes sir.
Just dreaming of some mousies of my own
Later on, as I conspire
sisfurs sleeping by the fire
I'll eat da mousies all gone , it will be fun,
just dreaming of some mousies of my own.
Selkie Sue told da big guy
I've been bad, dats a fat lie
Santa knows I've been good, just like I should
Dreaming of some mousies of my own
Firefly too, is a traitor
I'll get even, with her later
I hear Santa's sleigh, it's comning dis way
dreaming of some mousies of my own
 maybe Santa carries dem on his back.
I've been good, I'll take dem in a six pack.
He'd say will you share and I'd say yes sir
Instead I'll keep my mousies for my own
Later on, I'll conspire
sisfurs sleeping by da fire
I'll eat da mousies all gone, it will be fun
just dreaming of some mousies of my own.
"Pawed by Shamus Blue and him sisfurs Selkie  Sue and Firefly Faerie"

"Tee hee hee, I know it sounds mean, but as mew can see it was only a dream". I really would share mine mousies wiff mine sisters. Really ,I would.

"Please remember the stray kitties and other creatures that are without food and shelter, and do what you can to help them. Even putting out a cardboard box with food, water and some old blankets or rugs would make a difference for them. Also, if you can make donations to the shelters, please do so." Your humans should help homeless humans as well.! Shamus says. Thamk you!!



Mine bud, Oreo gibed me dis luffly "Guardian Angel " to purtect me . Dat were so nice of him, I is honored to habe dis. Fank mew Oreo furry much. To bisit Oreo, click on da Guardian angel gift above.


"Shamus's  Famous Cheeseball Recipe"
12 oz. cream cheese
1 cup shredded chedder cheese
1/4 cup miracle whip
1 teaspoon  worchestershire sauce
1/8 teaspoon garlic salt or powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 slice onion diced fine
1/4 cup pecans chopped
5 slices- thin sliced dried beef-chopped
In medium sized bowl, mix all ingredients , then pat into a ball and chill, you can roll the ball in more chopped pecans if mew like. Mwe likes it wiff da Sociable crackers. Yummy.
"Enjoy it fur da Holidays"




I luff dis, mine Auntie Susan Timmerman made dis fur me . Her also gibed me da Little stuffed Sanda Claws dat I is resting mine haid on in da photo of me at the top of da page. Click on gifty to bisit Chappy's Place. Fank mew Auntie Susan


I gotted dis luffly Christmousie card from mine gude bud, Ben. It is just butifur. Mew can click on dis card to bisit mine bud. Fank mew Ben and da Noel Gang.


"Dis is mine Christmousie gifty to mew".  Just right click on card above and save. Happy Holidays! Shamus, Selkie & Firefly


"Dis luffly ornament is from Two Queens Costumery, click on it to visit"

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"Dis is me mine furry first Christmas". I were just 2 and a half months old.  Oh, how I loved da Christmas tree!! Mewie, do not put tensil on mewer tree, if mew got kitties. it can cause dem great harm, if dey eats it. Dis was mine furst year, and meowmie watched me efurry minute . Mwe not use it anymore, wiff three kittes in da house!!!!
