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"Please purr for the kitties and other creatures that have no home and put out food and shelter for any strays you know of, also a shelter donation would be nice."



Dis from mine Auntie Susan and her gang.


Dis is from mine Auntie Marsha. dis is Bash, Angel, Elvis and Sabrina. Mine sisfur Selkie Sue is Bash's wink.


Dis from Auntie Cass, Spock, Dragon & Amber Smoke.


Dis card from mine bud, Sam Da Man and him family.

"It is with heavy heart that I have to say goodbye to a dear Tomzrule brofur. Sam Da man passed over the rainbow bridge yesterday, december 9th, 2003. Mwe will miss mew Sam DaMan."


Dis nice card is from mine bud Scooter.


Mine bud, Sammy gibed me dis nice card.


Dis nice card is from mine kitty friends Ginger and E.T.


Fanks Moke, Troubie & Mr. Birdie fur this furry nice Christmousie card.


Dis card is from mine furiends, Ned, Annie and Alex. Mine sisfur Selkie is on Ned's look alike page.


Kitty The Great gibed me dis nice Christmas card, fanks KTG.


"Meowmie was given this most beautiful gift  of being "an ambassador of peace" by a wonderful friend. It is most precious to my Meowmie." Thank you Cass.